Hard Clock

Friends and Associates
Self Portrait
Melbourne Design Week 2022

Polyurethane foam, Concrete, Quartz Clock mechanism, Brass, Gold Leaf

Clocks, once the height of design technology, have begun to vanish from your lives thanks to our ability to read the time on your phones or laptops. The making of the Hard Clock is an attempt to interrogate a fading typology through a new material; concrete-soaked polyurethane mattress foam, continuing from my previous body off work Opus Vincula.

In lockdown, every second was the same, and you had to find something different inside that second. I think the feeling of catching the clock, waiting for the pandemic to be over in some measure, has been same something we can all understand. 

To live is to experience a series of seconds over a life. This clock is a portrait off my life as it is being lost; second by second.